Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Club of Odd Volumes - Competition

Hi Everyone, this was my competition entry for the Club of Odd Volumes called Flamingos. Just wanted to post it up because I was quite proud of it for a one night job. =) enjoy

Art town 2014 - CHAP

 Hi Fellowers. I know I should have posted this a month ago but life got in the way. Sorry. In my previous post I mention that I was going to Melbourne for a live art show. For 2 days I was at the Windsor Annex doing my typographic pattern artwork for the live art event Art town. The brief was simple, "What is Chapel St to you?" I was inspired by the buildings and vintage type around the area and thought the street oozes style and that it transcends time. Thus my typographic artwork was CHAP. It was nice being in Melbourne because I haven't been there for a while and I went on my birthday too which was a plus! Thought to myself - if i could do this everyday, I could be the happiest girl in the world!! Hopefully that time happens soon.